Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Journal of Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal covering the fields of Science and Engineering. The journal aims to deliver innovative and original studies that follow the latest scientific and technological developments in a wide range of topics in the fields of Science and Engineering, both experimental and theoretical, to the relevant audiences.
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Journal of Science and Engineering covers original and innovative studies from all disciplines, along with all the subfields of Science and Engineering.
Font and Text Formatting
The ‘Times New Roman’ typeface with 12-point font size should be used throughout the whole manuscript. The text should be written in single-column format, and in full justified paragraphs with 1.5 line spacing. 2.5 cm margins must be present on all sides, the rest being allocated for writing. The text should not exceed the limits set by the margins. Continuous line numbering is required for each line of the whole manuscript.
Page Numbering
Page numbers should be formatted in the centre at the bottom, starting from the first page.
The Title of the Manuscript
The title should be formatted in 14-point font size in bold, the initial letters of each word being capitalized, except for conjunctions. The title should follow the normal sentence structure and should be concise and clear, highlighting the importance of the research. Contractions should be avoided in the title.
Author(s) and Affiliation(s)
Name(s) of the author(s) should be written clearly. The initial letters of each author’s first names, as well as all letters of their last names should be capitalized. The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*).The affiliations of all authors, including names of institutions with which they are professionally affiliated, their departments and countries should be provided. It is also important for the corresponding author to provide an up-to-date telephone number and e-mail address clearly.
Abstract in Turkish and English
The abstract should provide concise and clear information, without details, about the purpose and scope of the study, as well as its methodology and results. The abstract of the manuscript should not contain any unspecified abbreviations, references, or equations. The word count for the abstract of the manuscript is limited to 150-250 words.
A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 keywords should be provided.
1. Introduction
Section headings should be numbered and boldfaced, the initials being capitalized. It is required to leave one line space after the introduction heading. Spacing between paragraphs should be avoided. This section should include an adequate consideration of relevant literature, followed by an emphasis on the significance of the problem as well as the purpose of the study. Irrelevant and overmuch review of literature should be avoided.
2. Materials and Methods
The initial letters of all words in the heading, except for conjunctions, should be capitalized. The information provided in this section should be explained in detail, and the relevant sources should be specified. This section may include subheadings. Subheadings should be numbered as 2.1., 2.2., 2.3… Each new heading as well as subheading should begin on a new line.
2.1. Figures and Tables
Tables and figures should appear flush with the left margin. All the figures and tables are required to be cited in the text. Depending on the order they appear in the article, the tables and figures should be numbered sequentially in the following format: "Table 1., Table 2., etc." and "Figure 1., Figure 2., etc.". In the case that a figure/table represents more than one figure/table, then the labeling should be provided as follows: "Table 1. (a) …, (b) ..., (c) …, etc." and "Figure 1. (a) ..., (b) …, (c) …., etc.". Captions explaining Figures / Tables should be provided along with the labels. Figure numbers and captions must be placed below the figures, while table numbers and captions must be placed above the tables. No blank lines are inserted between the tables/figures and the captions provided for them. 1 (one) blank line is required between the tables/figures and the text that precedes and follows them. Rational numbers in the tables should be separated by commas (e.g. 0,1; 1,3 etc.). Horizontal lines of 1½ pt. should be inserted on the top of the table as well as at the bottom; no vertical lines are inserted.
2.2. Abbreviations and Equations
Abbreviations or symbols should be spelled out the first time they are used (except for the abstract section) with the abbreviation in parentheses and should be explained only once. 1 (one) blank line is required between the equations and the text that precedes and follows them. The parameters in the equations should be explained below the equation, if necessary. The equations should be numbered consecutively beginning with number 1 (1, 2, 3,...., 10, etc.). The equation number should be enclosed in parentheses and set flush right to the end of the same line as the equation. The equations should be left-justified and they should not appear in a picture format.
3. Results and Discussion
This section should present the findings of the research. It is important for the findings to be analyzed in the light of scientific norms, by comparison to data of relevant literature.
4. Conclusions
The conclusion section should include the reiteration of the original results obtained within the study.
The acknowledgment section is allocated to thank people and/or institutions for their contributions to the study.
In-text citations are provided by using the author-date system in the following order: ‘‘(Surname, year)’’. In-text citations for works with two authors are provided by adding the word ‘‘and’’ between the authors’ surnames (Lupan and Brown, 2007), whereas works with three or more authors are cited by using the first author’s surname followed by ‘‘et al.’’ (Midilli et al., 2016). If two or more works are to be cited in the same parentheses, citations are separated from one another with a ‘‘semicolon (;)’’ as follows: (Midilli et al., 2016; Bilgin et al., 2016).
When the parenthetical citation includes works of the same author from different years, the years of publication are listed in sequence, with the earliest first and the years are separated with a ‘‘comma (,)’’ as follows: (Küçük, 2013, 2014, ….). If two sources by the same author in the same year are cited in the same parentheses, lowercase letters (a, b, c) are used with the year as follows: (Küçük, 2013a, 2013b, …).
When naming the sources in the signal phrase, provide the year of the work in parentheses after the author’s surname as follows: ‘‘According to Turan (2012)…’’, or ‘‘As argued by Turan et al. (2014) …’’.
Each source cited in the paper must appear in the ‘References’ section in alphabetical order. The references must be single-spaced in 11-pt font size. The references must be formatted according to American Psychological Association (APA 6.0) Style Guidelines (For more information, please consult But, ‘‘ampersand (&)’’ in the APA style sholud not be used. Names of all the authors must be provided in the References list. Below are examples of reference list citations for different kinds of sources:
When the source is an article:
Surname, A., Surname, B.B., Surname, C. (Year). Title of Article, Title of Periodical, Volume number (Issue number) 7(1), Pages 1-12. DOI:
When the source is a book:
Surname, A. (Year). Title of Work, Publisher, ISBN: number, Place of Publication.
When the source is a dissertation or a master’s thesis:
Surname, A. (Year). Title of dissertation/thesis, Level of the thesis, Name of University, Institute, Country.
When the source is a conference, congress, or a symposium proceeding:
Surname, A., Surname, B.B., Surname, C. (Year). Title of paper, Title of Congress/Symposium/Workshop/Conference Proceedings, Date of Conference, City, Country.
When the source is a report by an organization:
Name of Organization (Abbreviation of organization’s full name (if there is one)), (Year). Title of report. City of publication, Country of publication, Report number (if applicable), Page Number (25p.)
When the source is a webpage:
URL-row number, (Year). Web address, Viewed date.
For example; URL–1, (2018)., 22 August 2018.
* Regarding manuscripts to be submitted in English, in-text citations for sources with more than two authors are cited by using the first author’s surname followed by ‘‘et al.,’’ as follows: (Midilli et al., 2016).
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